ShopSite Version 12 – What’s New, What You Need to Know


ShopSite’s latest ecommerce software, version 12, is now live. It’s a great release full of new features and enhancements.

A full breakdown of all the new features may be found in the

ShopSite help docs for v12.

ShopSite also has a page in their Template Cookbook for

Tips on Version 12 Tags.

A few new features I’d like to highlight…

Static shipping table changes

ShopSite now allows you to enter “n/a” in the price field for things like shipping by weight or shipping by currency.  Now you can have shipping options only appear when they fall within a desired range.

For shipping by weight and shipping by currency, the traditional “from” and “to” ranges have been replaced with “Amount up to”. It’s a subtle change, but allows for greater accuracy (up to 6 decimal places precision) and has the added bonus of auto re-sorting after a save. This makes it easy to add a range in between an existing one at the end of the table and having ShopSite auto sort it into the proper location the next time you view the table.

If you need more granular control (for things like restricting shipping options by country, state, or type of products), our ShopSite custom shipping module add-on may be the better solution.

The new wishlist system

ShopSite introduces a built-in wishlist system that seamlessly integrates with customer registration. It offers features such as allowing public wish lists, easily share a wishlist via Social Media or send a link via email. It’s a great upgrade to either Wishpot or our custom wishlist module.

If you use custom templates, there are a few tags you can use to integrate wishlists into your site. ShopSite also has a Wishlist Cookbook page.

Tag for viewing / searching a wishlist:

[-- IF WishList --]

 [-- WishListLink --]

 [-- END_IF --]

Tag for displaying the link to add an item to a wishlist:

[-- IF WishList --][-- WishList --][-- END_IF --]

Merchant Email Customizations

Version 12 now allows you to customize the email you receive as the merchant. If you want to alter this email, it is controlled in the shopping cart template in a new “DEFINE Merchant_ThankYou_Email” section.

The standard email format is an include named “MerchantEmail.sst” that you can copy and adjust for your needs. The section of the code in the cart template looks like:

[-- DEFINE Merchant_ThankYou_Email --][-- INCLUDE MerchantEmail.sst PROCESS --][-- END_DEFINE Merchant_ThankYou_Email --]

New default filename naming convention

In previous versions, if you left the filename blank for a page or moreinfo page, ShopSite would auto set the filename to something like pageXX.html or productXX.html, where “XX” was the record ID number of the page or product.

In version 12, leaving this field blank will now use either the page name or the product name as the default filename. ShopSite will strip out any bad characters or spaces to create a valid filename. This new naming convention only applies to new products and pages. If you had old pages and products without filenames, their URLs will *NOT* change. This means you do not have to adjust hard-coded links, use 301 redirects, etc…

The change will help with SEO for those pages and products where you do not set your own custom filename.

If you’re hosted with us, and would like to upgrade to version 12 of ShopSite, you can read all about the upgrade process and fill out the upgrade form on our website.

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