ShopSite Tip: Listing Products From Newest To Oldest

A while back we wrote about how to easily arrange product and page links, and today we’re going to review a similar topic that’s often requested: How to sort products from newest to oldest.

ShopSite doesn’t track the date when you add a new product, but with an Extra Product Field you can store the date and then sort the products by that extra field when they are displayed.

How It’s Done

1. Select an extra Product field on the Preferences > Extra Fields screen and label it “Date Added” (or anything you would like)

Configure Extra Field


2. Edit this field for each product and enter the date they were added (or any date in the past if you’re not worried about older products) in the format of YYYYMMDD, for example: 20110901

Set Date Value

  • TIP: The date doesn’t have to be exact, as long as the products you want listed first are the newer date.

3. For a page that you want to sort by this value, click Edit Page Layout and change the “Order” field to Descending and the “Product Sort Field” field to your extra product field.

Sort On Date Added Field


Now as long as you fill in the “Date Added” field with the current date (YYYYMMDD) each time a new product is added, the page will sort by newest product to oldest product.

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One Comment

  1. This is useful but the function I would love to see in Shopsite is a way to archive products. We have products in our assortment that are not available right now but we don’t want to delete because we might add them back later. If we could archive them, that would allow us to work ONLY with active products and not have to sort through a huge list of products both active and inactive. And then we would not have to sort by date anymore…

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