Posts Tagged ‘e-Commerce’

Ecommerce Stores Should Be More Like Brick and Mortar Shops

Why do so many merchants assume that the rules online are vastly different from those that apply to brick and mortar merchants? Launching a successful online store is quite similar to running a retail store in the mall. Here are a few key points to consider…

Looking for a web host that understands ecommerce and business hosting? Check us out today!

8 Reasons to Combine Ecommerce and Blogging

Why have a blog for an ecommerce store? Here are a few reasons why your online store should consider having a blog. Just make sure you stay committed to keeping the blog up to date and relevant, or else it can become a detractor…

Looking for a web host that understands ecommerce and business hosting? Check us out today!

Ecommerce, SEO, and 301 Redirects

I recently came across a great blog post titled “Surviving and Thriving as an Ecommerce SEO”. It’s a great read for any ecommerce store owner that is interested in optimizing their store in terms of search engine rankings. The author, Everett Sizemore, brings up a number of good points and ideas when it comes to SEO for an ecommerce website.

Looking for a web host that understands ecommerce and business hosting? Check us out today!

How Long Will Your Customers Wait?

THREE seconds. Although many expect your pages to load in under 2 seconds. At least that is what the latest study conducted by Forrester Consulting found to be the case among 1000+ online shoppers. What this boils down to is shoppers expect fast loading webpages, and are willing to go elsewhere if a site is too slow or confusing.

Looking for a web host that understands ecommerce and business hosting? Check us out today!

Google Checkout – Ecommerce Friend or Foe?

Tweet Back in June of 2006, Google released Google Checkout amidst a flurry of predictions and press coverage that it would soon be the number one payment choice for buyers. It looked like Google wanted to go head to head with PayPal and enter into the payment gateway and ecommerce world with a bang. The […]

Looking for a web host that understands ecommerce and business hosting? Check us out today!