Manage Your Contacts

Powerful contact management for all of your subscribers.

Unlimited Lists & Subscribers

No restrictions on the number of lists or subscribers per list.

Custom Subscriber Fields

Include any number of optional fields. Such as text fields, text boxes, check boxes, radio buttons, and drop downs. You can even specify whether a field is required. Personalize your mailings with the optional field data or use optional fields to create sending filters. Allowing a subscriber field to be in multiple lists. Also, search subscribers by subscriber fields.

List Segmenting

Create list segments to send targeted campaigns to. You can create a segment for people in a certain age range and location. 

You can even create segments based on previous actions of a subscriber. Such as creating a segment for all subscribers who clicked on a particular link in the past or forwarded a mailing to a friend. 

Then use these segments to send highly targeted campaigns.

Subscriber Actions

Subscriber actions allow you to set certain things to happen when a subscribe or unsubscribe occurs, a link is clicked, a campaign read, etc… 

You can setup subscriber actions to update subscriber info, perform subscription tasks, send campaigns, and more!

Each set of actions can be for any campaigns in a specific list or just for a specific campaign in a specific list.


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