ShopSite Search Statistics Module

(Now built into ShopSite directly.)

Interested in knowing what your customers are trying to search for in your store? The Search Statistics Module is a seamless add-on for ShopSite that records all searches on your site. The module records the search keywords entered, the number of results returned, and the IP and date/time of the search. This data is then arranged for easy viewing. Extract useful information such as:

- Which searches return no results. Rank them by the most popular search terms that return zero matches in your store
- View your most popular search terms, least popular search terms
- See how many results are returned for various searches
- View the search pattern of any individual user to see patterns and how your search is being used
- Find common typos and add them to that product's search keywords
- Restrict search data to various timeframes

The module is installed by LexiCo nn and only adds a few lines of Javascript to the search form. If you are using LexiConn's Swish-e search instead of the ShopSite search, we can integrate with that as well.