Search Suggestion Module for ShopSite Stores

Free for hosted clients of LexiConn

Here's a great way to turbocharge your ShopSite search box on your site!

The search suggestion module allows you to easily modify the search box on your site to be a dynamic process that suggests your top selling products to customers as they type. Simple to integrate, lots of configuration options.

Features include:

  • Rank suggestions as customers type by top sellers, highest sales dollars, or alphabetically.
  • Include an optional image or product description that appears below the search box as they type.
  • Set the destination of the search to either the search results page or product more information page.

Now your on-site search can help funnel customers to the product they desire faster and more efficiently.

Click to try a demo of the search suggestion module

Screenshot of search results:

Screenshot of admin panel options:


The module requires ShopSite Pro version 11 or higher.

If you are a client of LexiConn, simply send an email letting us know you would like this module installed. If you do not host your ShopSite store with LexiConn, check out our seamless ShopSite transfer process to have your ShopSite store and website moved over to LexiConn with no downtime.